* To shape teaching activities according to the needs of children,
* Providing educational support to each child according to their individual and cultural differences,
* Preventing exclusion, discrimination, peer bullying in educational settings and reducing school dropout,
* By preventing fear and tension with group work, expressing yourself and gaining acceptance in the group, gaining courage and problem skills,
* Developing a sense of empathy and belonging with drama activities,
* Mathematical literacy through visual studies, artistic and spatial studies;
* Developing cultural competence with national values
* Self-care skills and basic life competencies
* Developing citizenship competencies through environmental activities
* Developing 21st century skills
* Advanced intercultural dialogues,
* Developing themselves and increasing their collaboration skills
* Meaningful use of Web 2.0 tools is aimed
*Müfredat başarılarıyla bütünleşmiş yenilikçi uygulamaları tanıtılarak Proje teknoloji,tasarım tabanlı ve işbirlikli Öğrenme pedagojileri ile öğrenci,öğretmen ve velilerde projenin sonunda ;*Öğrencilerde bireysel ve kültürel farklılıklara saygı duyma,kendini ifade etme,*Görevler ve sorumluluklar verilerek özgüven kazanma , kabul görme ,ait olma empati*Okul ve sınıftaki diğer çocuklarla da işbirliğinde çalışarak arkadaşlarını anlama, yardımcı olma , sevme davranışları gelişecektir.*Eğitim ortamlarında dışlanma ,ayrımcılık ,akran zorbalığının önlenmesi ve okul terkinin azaltılması sağlanacaktır.- 21. yüzyıl becerileri gelişecektir.- kültürlerarası diyaloglar,- Kendilerini geliştirme ve işbirliği becerileri artacaktır.-Web 2.0 araçlarının anlamlı kullanmayı öğreneceklerdir..
*By introducing innovative applications integrated with curriculum achievements, students, teachers and parents with project technology, design-based and collaborative learning pedagogies;
* Respecting individual and cultural differences in students, self-expression,
* Gaining self-confidence, acceptance, belonging empathy by giving duties and responsibilities
* By working in collaboration with other children in the school and class, behaviors of understanding, helping and liking their friends will be developed.
* It will be ensured that exclusion, discrimination, peer bullying and school dropout are reduced in educational environments.
- 21st century skills will improve.
- Enhanced intercultural dialogues,
- Self-development and cooperation skills will increase.
-They will learn to use web 2.0 tools meaningfully.
* Gaining self-confidence, acceptance, belonging empathy by giving duties and responsibilities
* By working in collaboration with other children in the school and class, behaviors of understanding, helping and liking their friends will be developed.
* It will be ensured that exclusion, discrimination, peer bullying and school dropout are reduced in educational environments.
- 21st century skills will improve.
- Enhanced intercultural dialogues,
- Self-development and cooperation skills will increase.
-They will learn to use web 2.0 tools meaningfully.
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